Should an EU-wide digital driving licence be introduced?


Mobile EU citizens have to exchange their driving licence if: (1.)

  • their licence is lost, stolen or damaged, 
  • (in some Member States:) after 2 years of residence, if they have a driving licence with an indefinite validity period,
  • they commit a traffic offence in the country of residence.

At the same time, mobile EU citizens are still confronted with inconsistencies between national approaches to renewing or replacing driving licences issued in another EU country. This affects their driving rights. (2.)

To simplify the recognition of driving licences between EU Member States, the European Commission has proposed the introduction of a digital driving licence. The proposal will now be considered by the European Parliament and the Council. (2.)


The digital driving licence will be easier to replace, renew, or exchange since all procedures will be online. It will also be easier for citizens from non-EU countries with comparable road safety standards to exchange their driving licence for an EU one. (2.)


The European Data Protection Supervisor seems to imply that there might be a risk of improper sharing of personal data if an EU-wide digital driving licence is introduced. The Supervisor has reacted to the European Commission’s proposal to introduce a digital driving licence valid throughout the EU by stressing that “access to driving licence data by public authorities should be properly defined and limited to what is strictly necessary and proportionate”. (3.)

